Bulk Editing Challenges

Project owners can now Bulk-edit challenges within the same project. While this feature isn’t as robust as editing a single challenge individually, there are a few fields that allow you to edit multiple challenges for quality of life purposes.

Keep in mind that this feature, for most fields, will overwrite the original data of each challenge if you choose to utilize the field. Since each challenge can have different data, you will not have context on this page of what you are overwriting. Use at your own risk. Fields that you leave alone will leave the original data the way it is.

Go to your Project’s admin page and select challenges

Simply go to a project admin page. In the challenges widget, select the graph icon to the right of each challenge you would like to edit simultaneously.

You can also choose to “select-all” by clicking the graph icon at the top of the list.

Bulk Edit Page

Next, select the gear icon on the top right and select “Edit Selected”

You’ll be directed to the bulk edit page.

Remove a challenge from Bulk Edit

You should see a list of the challenges you will be editing simultaneously. If you change your mind on any of the challenges, but don’t want to go back and re-select them, you can click the “X” symbol to the right of the challenge name.

Bulk Editing Guidelines

  1. Any fields you choose to use for bulk editing will be used to overwrite the data that is on each challenge.

  2. Any fields you leave alone on the bulk edit page will not do anything to the existing challenge data.

Submitting A Bulk Edit

Once you’ve proposed all of the changes you need on the form, press Submit and you will be presented with a confirmation modal that indicates all of the changes that will be made on each challenge.

Cancel Edit will allow you to go back to the form and make any additional changes you like. Additionally you can choose to abandon all edits by clicking “Cancel Edit” on the bulk edit page.

Submit Bulk Edit will proceed with the submission of edits on each challenge.

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