Your Dashboard

When logging into MapRoulette, you’ll be presented with a customizable layout of different widgets that can help you get started on some challenges or see some highlights of your accomplishments and recent contributions.

The main dashboard widget will display your current points and leaderboard status, and provides easy access/direction to challenges you’ve been working on or new challenges that may interest you.

Just like most of the projects, challenges, and task pages, you can customize the layout of your dashboard to make it more personalized.

Here are a list of different widgets available to you:


Follow allows you to track the activity of other users, add new users to follow, and see who is following you. You can also control who follows you by blocking users if you choose.

To follow a new user, click on Following at the top of the widget and input a users name. A dropdown of located users by your input will display and you can click on the user. The followed user will display on your list and the activity column will update appropriately. You can also click on their name and view their MapRoulette user page.

Challenge Highlights

This widget will showcase Challenges that have been labeled Featured by an admin, allowing the community more visibility over challenges with a high demand for contribution. Featured challenges will also show up at the top of your Challenge Search List.

Popular Challenges

Challenges with recent contributions from the community may end up getting labeled Popular, and will show up in this widget.

Tracked Tasks

Tasks that you’ve decided to Track will show up here. In order to track a task, go to the task page of the task you’d like to track. Click the gear box on the top right and select Edit Layout. Click the Add Widget dropdown and select the More Options widget.

Your Recent Contributions

Similar to the Follow widget, where you can view other people’s most recent work, this widget shows all of your personal recent contributions on Challenges.

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